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The Myth of the Great Secret:

An Appreciation of Joseph Campbell

Two Spirits is an historical romance novel set on a Navajo Reservation in New Mexico in the mid-1800s.

The story tells of the romantic relationship that develops between a young Virginian, who has come to work as assistant to the Federal Indian Agent, and a Navajo berdache/Two-spirit medicine man.

Two Spirits: A Tale of Discovery Among the Navajo

Here's an earlier manuscript of the book published in 2000 as

Gay Spirituality: The Role of Gay Identity in the Transformation of Human Consciousness

The original working title was Spirits True.

Awakening is a mystical science fiction novel that tells of a small scale nuclear disaster and its spiritual/karmic effects in the mind of planet Earth.

This is a beautiful novel, never published, that has now become a little out of date because of its references to the Soviet Union and Star Wars technology. Also because it is set in 2001. At the time of its composition, 2001 was far off and seemed almost mythical. Now the year has come and gone. The lovely metaphors of the story of Earth's awakening to collective consciousness are still wonderful, even though in reality the date has to be pushed forward some.

A Novel of the Millennium

If you read any of these books, please drop me email with your reactions and suggestions.

Toby Johnson


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