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(see below for retreat descriptions!)


Coming Out Spiritually Retreat


West Coast:

Mar 28 - 30 Guerneville, CA

May 30 - June 1 Guerneville, CA


East Coast:

Apr 11 - 13 Easton Mountain, NY

Apr 25 - 27 Asheville, NC


For more info please visit



Plus, Two New Retreats!


Opening to Breath, Opening to Purpose


A quiet 3-night/3-day weekend of Breathing and Life Purpose Reflection. It could be said that knowing one?s life purpose is the most important thing a person can discover. Through conscious yogic breathwork (Rebirthing), a one-on-one Life Purpose Hand Analysis, guided processes, meditation, ritual, self-reflection, and other means, participants will use this retreat to gently yet powerfully open to their soul?s message.


April 17 - 20 Bloomingdale, NJ

May 1 - 4 Woodacre, CA (SF Bay Area)


For more info please visit



The Infinite Motions Weekend


Flagging, also called Rag Spinning or Flag Dancing, is a spiritual performance art form that originated in gay clubs in the 1960s. Almost dying out during the height of the AIDS crisis, Flagging is now experiencing a resurgence in popularity, and is now beginning to step out of the dark clubs and into the light of day. Led by Markus Thorndike Green and Christian de la Huerta, this weekend gives participants the opportunity to learn this easytolearn, yet amazingly joyous, incredibly beautiful and meditative art form.


July 17 Woodacre, CA (SF Bay Area)



More About the Coming Out Spiritually Retreat:


Millennia ago, in many cultures throughout the world, those with ambiguous gender or samesex desire were recognized through initiation into the mystical arts and revered as visionaries, healers, and spiritual guides. In these cultures sexual minorities were central to the spiritual welfare of the collective society. In more recent times, our modernday religions forged an artificial split between sexuality and spirituality. Sex became purely functional, and the vital differences between religion and spirituality were lost.

Today, GLBT people are reclaiming our sexual identities in vast numbers. Yet many continue to be shunned by today's religious institutions. In attempting to define our place in the world today, much of our community has essentially been forced to throw the baby out with the bath water. In our rejection by or of organized religion, many of us have become unintentionally closeted to our own spirituality a condition that tragically diminishes ourselves, the queer community, and society as a whole.

We are diminished because in isolation we are left without the spiritual support essential to our life?s journey. More broadly, our community and society are left bereft of the substantial spiritual gifts each of us could be contributing to the global awakening that is occurring in the world.

This tragic condition need not be. How can queer people today evolve spiritually and reclaim our roles as healers, shamans, visionaries?

In this retreat participants will gain information and skills to help reclaim their spiritual heritage. Time will be spent working with the ten spiritual archetypes outlined in the book, Coming Out Spiritually, roles or functions we have fulfilled throughout history and across many cultures. Among them are keepers of beauty, scouts of consciousness, outsiders, and mediators. Participants will bring home a heightened understanding; a deeper sense of identity, spiritual connectedness and purpose; and, a renewed commitment to their own personal excellence and to world service.

Participants will also learn skills to help bridge their personal schism between sexuality and spirituality and deepen their ability to powerfully reintegrate these two fundamental aspects of being human.

This participatory, stimulating, and inspiring retreat will offer guided processes, movement, meditation, breathwork, and other practices for coming in and reconnecting with our deeper selves. Through discussion, ritual, personal writings and small group processes, participants will be supported to commit or recommit to coming back out, and reengage the world as authentic beings in order to make a real difference.

This retreat is appropriate for all queer persons, whether beginners on the spiritual path or those more experienced.


Queer: The original definition of the word queer, from 1508, means unusual, different, strange; eccentric, out of the ordinary. It is used here due to the word's inclusiveness and practicality.



More About the Opening to Breath; Opening to Purpose retreat:


The soul speaks to us in many ways, often subtly and in ways our more conscious selves find hard to interpret. Yet of all the information we receive from the people and circumstances around us, the soul's message is by far the most important one we learn to understand. For the soul's message reveals to us both who we are and what we are here to do thus giving meaning and perspective to everything else. It could be said that knowing one?s Life Purpose is the most important thing a person can discover.


Through breathwork, guided processes, meditation, oneonone Life Purpose Hand Analysis, selfreflection and other means, participants will use this retreat to gently yet powerfully open to their soul's message. The retreat offers powerful opportunities to go within combined with vital knowledge revealed by the soul in the map of our hands. Through integrative work, participants are then inspired to go without once again, and reengage the world as integrated human beings making a real difference.


The retreat will open Thursday evening with a quiet meal, opening ritual and our first Rebirthing session. Successive Rebirthing sessions will be offered each day, and the retreat will close in ritual Sunday afternoon. In addition to daily Rebirthing and other group sessions, each participant will receive a oneonone Life Purpose Hand Analysis from Certified Hand Analyst Markus Thorndike Green.


Generous amounts of free time will be provided throughout the weekend, and participants will be encouraged to take hikes, sit in solitude, or find other opportunities to reflect on their life. Optional massage may be available at additional charge. This retreat is appropriate for all persons regardless of training or background.