White Crane Books is the work of White Crane Institute, an organization dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of knowledge around Gay Wisdom & Culture.
The Evans Symposium;
Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture and Moon Lady Rising
by Arthur Evans
In 1975 Arthur Evans presented a series of lectures based on his research into LGBT history and cultural roots in European societies of the medieval era. The ground-breaking work was subsequently collected into the 1978 publication of his book Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture.
Working with Arthur at the end of his life, White Crane Books convinced Evans to gather the remaining materials
— that had been edited from the original book —
into a sequel to that book.
Arthur called it Moon Lady Rising.
We have combined this new, previously unpublished material with the original Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture. The Evans Symposium, for the first time ever, represents the entirety of Arthur Evans material from those lectures.
ALL: A James Broughton Reader
Edited by Jack Foley
In a life that stretched from 1913 to 1999 James Broughton witnessed and commented on the twentieth century from the point of view of an outsider. In a time aghast at its own horrors, Broughton championed laughter. He was a poet, not of the ivory tower but of the innovative street, a playful, urban voice with the notion that a poet could change the world. In a rational century, he asserted mystery.
All: A James Broughton Reader collects the range of this acclaimed poet and filmmaker.
The Fire in Moonlight
Edited by Mark Thompson
The most valuable possession a people have is their story…their history. Many years in the making, with over fifty contributors from around the world, The Fire in the Moonlight is the first anthology of its kind. Beginning with Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter in the nineteenth century and moving through the liberation movements of the late twentieth, Dancing in the Moonlight speculates far into the twenty-first.
OUTSPOKEN Reel One: A Vito Russo Reader
Edited by Jeffrey Schwarz
with Bo Young and Mark Thompson
Volume One of a two volume, HBO documentary companion collection of the writings of film historian and gay activist Vito Russo.
OUTSPOKEN Reel Two: A Vito Russo Reader
Edited by Jeffrey Schwarz
with Bo Young and Mark Thompson
Volume Two of a two volume, HBO documentary companion collection of the writings of film historian and gay activist Vito Russo.
The Trouble with Harry Hay
Founder of the Modern Gay Movement
By Stuart Timmons
Foreword by Will Roscoe, PhD
In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Modern Gay Rights Movement.
Martin Duberman: “This engrossing, well-written book rescues Harry Hay from the realm of myth and also recovers large chunks of gay history. On both counts, it is a solid, praiseworthy achievement.”
Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon: “There is no ‘Trouble with Harry.’ His determined caring and searching shine like a diamond throughout his life. We need a lot more like Harry?”
Jonathan Ned Katz: “Reading this amazing profile in courage often brought tears to my eyes and will, I think, deeply move a new generation, as it informs them of the enormous bravery of our libration pioneers. This life of Hay is also an original contribution to social history, the chronicle of UI.S. protest movements, and the enduring contribution of American radicals to a freer nation.”
Two Flutes Playing
A Spiritual Journeybook
For Gay Men
by Andrew Ramer
New Introduction by Mark Thompson
“We had many saints, many heroes, both female and male, but I want to speak here of the saints and heroes of the gay tribes. For this is a period of human history that has been lost through time, whose return is vitally needed. For you know the heroes of the other tribes. But of this small, sacred tribe, whose history has been obscured, you remember nothing.”
So tells acclaimed author Andrew Ramer in Two Flutes Playing. Within these pages can be found insight and wisdom. Ramer serves as a mythologist for gay men, providing evidence to the harmony of gender, love and sex. A new introduction by the author reveals why this book’s timeless message has once more returned to print as the inaugural title in the White Crane Spirituality Series.
Michael Bails (Seattle WA) writing an unsolicited review on the amazon.com site says: “I was recommended this book after having taken a Body Electric workshop a few weeks before. From the first page I began to re-live the entire bonding rituals that we had experienced over that weekend. How to connect, how to communicate, and how to intimately bond on a higher plane! … A definite “must have” book for the gay tribe who would like to interact spiritually and emotionally!”
Take off the Masks
By Malcolm Boyd with a
new introduction by Mark Thompson
For over sixty years, Malcolm Boyd has written truthfully about his own journey to fullness. From theologian to civil rights pioneer to coffee house troubadour to gay rights icon, Boyd has courageously and whole-heartedly shown the way to a deeper, more honest examination of all our lives, leading by example.
White Crane Books is proud to re-release Boyd’s classic spiritual biography and coming out story, Take Off the Masks, for a new generation of readers hungry for its insight, honesty and soulful perception. With a new introduction by Boyd’s life partner, Mark Thompson, and a newly added postscript by Rev. Canon Boyd himself.
A Prophet in His Own Land
A Malcolm Boyd Reader
By Malcolm Boyd
Edited by Bo Young and Dan Vera
With a Foreword by Bishop Gene Robinson
Gay/straight, Christian/atheist, coffeehouse or pulpit, poet or prose, Malcolm Boyd is an exemplar of the American tradition of life’s adventure and free-thinking. He is a gift to anyone who takes the time to encounter him in his writings.
To celebrate Malcolm Boyd’s 85th birthday, and in recognition of the Lambda Literary Foundation’s awarding of the Pioneer Award to him and his partner Mark Thompson for lifetime achievement, White Crane Books is proud to announce the publication of A Prophet in His Own Land: A Malcolm Boyd Reader, a compendium of five decades of his prose, poetry, prayers and interviews. This is the first collection of Boyd’s writings assembled under one cover, offering the gamut of the man’s heart, mind and soul to first-time readers or long-time readers alike. Compiled by Bo Young and Dan Vera, editors of White Crane: the Journal of Gay Wisdom & Culture, the collection begins with the first writings Boyd produced, reflecting presciently on his insider’s knowledge and experience in the motion picture business and the American culture machine and span his coffeehouse years with comedian Dick Gregory and the early involvement as a Freedom Marcher with Dr. Martin Luther King. With thirty books written and/or edited to his credit, this is the first to offer the true measure of the man.
Building Connections & Community for Gay Men since 1989