Just got back from Philadelphia, where Dan, Toby and I attended the 3rd National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Health Summit. Healthcare providers, social workers, therapists and activists from all over the country met for five days at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Phillie.
This year’s theme…Beyond Boundaries: A Blueprint for LGBTI Healthcare Equality. The conference was sponsored by the Mazzoni Center, Philadelphia’s LGBTI Community Services Center, the City of Philadelphia, Drexel University and the Black Men’s Leadership Council (website not available.)
White Crane Institute is the sponsor of one of the many diverse, allied groups comprising the LGBTI Health Summit. We will, shortly, be providing a new link for further information on the Gay Men’s Health Leadership Academy 2007, but you can check out pictures and descriptions of the workshop on this website.
Over the next few weeks, we will also be posting some of the speeches and papers presented at this important conference.
Dan and I presented a workshop titled "Telling Our Stories" where we made the case for preserving individual stories and the wisdom and culture of the LBGTI community, as a critical component of a healthy community.