Tag Archives: marriage equality

The Maine Idea

Boies "Basic constitutional rights cannot depend on the willingness of the electorate in any given state to end discrimination. If we were prepared to consign minority rights to a majority vote, there would be  no need for a constitution."  – David Boies

Ventura "You can't put a civil rights issue on the ballot and let the people decide. You have to have elected officials who have courage to make the right decision. If you left it up to the people, we'd have slavery, depending on how you worded it." – Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, responding to Maine's vote on CNN.

Marriage Equality & Catholic Charities

A very interesting exchange took place last night between D.C. City council members and representatives from the Washington D.C. Archdiocese and Catholic Charities. What came through was a fascinating conversation about the use of public tax dollars to discriminate. This is in three sections. They’re posted below.

A very interesting exchange took place last night between D.C. City council members and representatives from the Washington D.C. Archdiocese and Catholic Charities.  What came through was a fascinating conversation about the use of public tax dollars to discriminate.  This is in three sections.  They're posted below.


